*shoves Allessa out in front of everyone* ^^ Allessa: O_O *......starts hyperventilating a little*
SO PEOPLE. THIS IS ALLESSA. 83 I've been working on her for a while, adding bits and peices, and I've got just about the whole picture figured out. I found on LUY that these threads help me improve my character a lot, so I decided to toss her out here so you guys can meet her and ask crazy and seemingly unrelated questions that will he improve her personality (B
So, to start off with the basics, Allessa is 15 (just turned 15 the week after she was introduced to the gang) she has long, straight brown hair (she usually keeps it in a ponytail, says it gets in her face too much) and brown eyes. Allessa is quite short (about a half a foot shorter than Jay (sorry, I like short characters. They're fun to pick on))
Personality-wise, she is very shy and quiet, and when I mean quiet, I mean she could be wearing neon signs and not too many people would notice her. But that's okay, coz she tends to freeze up when too many people have their attention on her. (B
Not too much is known about her past, as she doesn't like to talk about herself all that much. We do know, however, that she has a real soft spot for animals (any animal, really) and that she and Herry are really good childhood friends (it was kinda like a family reunion when she was brought to New Olympia ('B ) Herry is super protective of her (like he is of his granny) and unfortunately, she has yet to work up the guts to tell Herry that sometimes he gets a little.... overprotective >_> But Herry thinks of her like a little sister, so he doesn't realize it. (B
Annnddd....... Allessa is the descendent of Aceso, the greek goddess personifying healing (found thanks to Andrea (B ) so, she has ability to speed up healing (and maybe later learn to completely heal all at once, but we'll see) Which makes sense to Herry, coz he remembers (and tells the others) that Allessa always wanted to be a veterinarian.
That's all I can think of. XD
Feel free to ask her questions.... just don't expect her to answer them right away XDD
Allessa: >_> Well..... Haileigh's nice.... and Orbi... kinda scares me a little..... but she seems nice....and, uh, Kurtis is a little strange, but he's nice too .... Other than them I haven't really meet everyone yet ^^'
My gosh, that's the longest time you've continuously spoke. '___' Allessa: o//////o s-sorry
FACT! The one piece of jewellery Allessa always wears is a silver star-shaped necklace that Herry had given her for her 13th birthday. She never lets it out of her sight. And she does that by only taking it off for swimming, showering, or sleeping. ^^
Allessa:...>////>...... well..... Odie and I are pretty good friends too.... Nothing 'serious' or anything..... but he's really funny, and kinda sweet 83 Herry: *shall now be looming over Odie whenever Allessa's with him* >_>
Factoid: Allessa LOVES cooking. (unlike Cassidy) and she's really good at it too (unlike Cassidy (B ) Unfortunately, Allessa can't eat most of what she makes, especially sweet stuff or things containing nuts. She's allergic to nuts, and really sweet things upset her digestive system, majorly (she could be out for a day or two with flu-like symptoms after eating a peice of cake), which could contribute to the fact that under normal conditions, she is very calm. (B
lol yeah...Harmony would also have no problems beating her down if she tries to steal Odie XD
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
This fact about her inability to eat certain foods makes her the perfect companion for Herry. For he can just finish what she cannot consume. ^__^
Yus. (B
And, when she is cooking anything that contains nuts (Say brownies for instance, coz she can't eat them, she'd most likely be making them for Herry ^^) she has to have protection on her hands. Coz her allergy is so bad that if she even touches anything with nuts, she'll get a rash all over her that will last.... about 2 weeks to a month. ^^ She also says it 'makes it a little more sanitary'.... and you know why she says that (B
Herry will also test anything that she's not sure of for nuts (B
How would she react if Haileigh suddenly squeed, grabbed her by the hand, and whisked her off to some fancy, chique, and super cool expensive store to play dress up?
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Allessa: Well....my parents are usually very busy working, so a lot of times I was on my own. I have two older sisters and an older brother. They are a lot older than me. A lot older. Annalecia, the youngest of my two sisters, was 15 when I was born. '___' By the time I was moving around and playing and stuff, all my siblings were in college... so I kinda felt like an only child..... Until I met Herry ^^ I love my siblings, I just hardly ever see them 8(
Allessa: ......o_o..... uhhh.... Herry?? Can you please- Herry: *slowly removes Andy's arms from Allessa* T__T Allessa: *was actually gonna ask him to get some food for Andy to get her to let go* -___-
She's always been quiet, but it got worse when Herry was whisked away. She felt lonely and scared without him. 83 She'll come out of her shell eventually ^^
Allessa: It was short at first, but I grew it out because it grew so fast and I didn't like having to have it cut every couple of weeks. Plus, Herry said he likes my hair long 83 Herry: ^^
Edit: I've been working on a little something lately. Thought I'd share. 83
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allessa straightened up, clutching the boards tightly as she climbed to the top. She remembered the first time Herry had gotten her to do this. She was so nervous and afraid, but now it seemed like second nature to her. Spreading her arms out to the side, she confidently walked along the top board of the fence, perfectly balanced. The soft, gentle summer wind played through her long dark brown hair. She stopped just under a low-hanging branch of a tree. She grasped it firmly and pulled herself up into the tree to sit on the branch. She often came here, before with Herry, and now, to think. She knew that the story she'd been told was a lie. She could feel it. Herry never liked flying all that much. There was no way he'd be a pilot. She had this feeling. This feeling was telling her that her best friend was out there doing something. Something incredible. She did not know what, but she knew it had to be true. And she also knew, that as soon as he could, he'd come back. He never left her behind. If only she knew what was coming... Suddenly, the tree began to shake. The small branch underneath her gave way, and Allessa tumbled to the ground. She looked up, and saw something that made her believe she was dreaming. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry about the text colour. The editor page was fudged up. O_o
-- Edited by MellowGirl on Sunday 28th of March 2010 02:26:20 PM
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure