For the most part tho Haileigh gets along best with guys. It has to do with the whole reincarnation of Helen of Troy thing, which means she's extremely beautiful and so on. So for the most part girls are somewhat...not jealous...but...well I can't think of the word, but it especially happens when Haileigh gets a lot of attention from guys. So while she gets along with Atlanta and Theresa, they're not particularly fond of her, especially Theresa who isn't to happy that there's another pretty psychic around. Girls that don't give a **** about looks and guys attention tho, probly like Obrielle, would probably really like her and they'd get along well.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Haileigh: KURTIS!!! What is your favourite accessory to wear? Because I found this shirt that would match your eyes PERFECTLY...and I need to make sure it will match.
And how do you feel about ballet?
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I know it contradicts Christianity like a mofo, but you can just look past that coz it really is a good show. ;______;
Better than LU anyway.
It even has a nerdy guy innit. COME ON!
Orbrielle would work REAL hard on corrupting Kurtis a little bit everyday... Or on traumatising him every now and then. Especially when he's annoying her or when he doesn't meet her approval.
Orbrielle: *pops her head into the kitchen* OH LOOK A PERSON! Hey Kurtis! Wanna come to the movies with me this afternoon? (B Kurtis: Um... I've... Already got plans with Neil and Haileigh... They want me to try some clothes in this new store and- Orbrielle: *devoid of all expression* Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I make you feel as if you had a choice? My mistake. B| Kurtis: I'd r-really love to... But- Orbrielle: OHMYGOD THAT PERSON AT SCHOOL YOU LIKE HAS GENITALIA AND ONE DAY YOU'RE GUNNA HAFFTA LICK IT. Kurtis: DB *faints* Odie: *walks in just as she screamed that, sipping on a soda* ... *glances at Kurtis on the floor* You know, that was entirely unnecessary... And you weren't very specific either... Orbrielle: Yeah... I can't tell if he's gay or not. So I thought I'd better play it on the safe side................... *screaches* ODDIIIIIIIIEE!!! (B Odie: T__T Orbrielle: Come watch the Hanna Montanna movie with me. Odie: No. T__T Orbrielle: *drags him by the hair anyway* It'll be FUN Odie!!! 8D Odie: *flailing about wildly* BUT I HAVE A CHEMESTRY PAPER DUE! Orbrielle: Well. That just makes me think that YOU shouldn't have walked into the kitchen just then. Odie: *submits* You would've found me anyway, though, wouldn't you. Orbrielle: Probably. (B Odie: You're paying for me. Orbrielle: No. You're paying for both of us. (B Odie: *sighs in defeat*
Odie is to Orbrielle as Hermes is to Brigid.
Just throwing it out there.
-- Edited by Xtream Emily on Sunday 28th of February 2010 10:22:18 AM
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
I'm not avoiding watching the show coz it contradicts what I believe (If I did, then I wouldn't be watching Stargate SG-1 either). In fact, I'm not avoiding it at all. I just haven't had time to watch it yet 8(
And this is the reason why Alleesa hasn't got a thread yet. Because her background is sketchy. (B
And you haven't watched the show. 8| Which you probably SHOULD DO before making a character and creating her story and such. Or discuss in other people's threads when we have absolutly NO IDEA WHO SHE IS OR WHY SHE'S HERE. XD Though I would enjoy meeting her. 83 Just watch the show first, sweetcakes. It helps.
As for Kurtis... Kurtis: Um....I like....those...rubbery this one. *holds up a pink breast cancer bracelet* 83 And uh....cross necklaces.....and scarves....and that's about it. 8|
His sister had breast cancer at one point. )8 AS FOR BALLET! He thinks it's pretty 83 But he'll sleep through Swan Lake...just coz. XD And um Emily...Kurtis is ....'curious'...he likes a certain...god-er person....prince that is....with a hot voice. Autolycus: Are we speaking of me? 0_0 NO! NO WE ARE NOT!!!!!! DB< *shoves Autolycus under her fanfic pile* :| saw NOTHING.
BTW, Kurtis is the 4th child out of 8. :3
-- Edited by 4get-4ever on Sunday 28th of February 2010 07:04:43 PM
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
"There was a real nosy guy earlier. He was..he said he..he was looking for Jasper Gein. I said, 'I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm...' and then he got...annoyed, and walked off." ~ Jasper Gein, Noisy Hill
I know I should watch the show first. And I'm going to do so before working on her background. 83 Just ask Bri. She's basically just a personality so far. She has verrrrry little history.
Kurtis: I like cake better. 8| GASP. The only reason he slept through Swan Lake was because he was training EXTRA hard that day and only went because Haeleigh beckoned the poor thing. Slept on top of Herry the whole time. He forgot his ticket. XD
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
lol no guys...Haileigh wouldn't be watching it with them...
She'd be dancing IN the show! would hurt her even more if you didn't pay attention XD
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I bet she'd still like to watch anyway! D8 He'd wake up just for Haileigh's part and fall back asleep.
And Haileigh's part would be the whole thing...cause she'd be the part of Odette/the Swan XD
Haileigh: Only the best club in town that plays the best music and the best alcohol of course!!!
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Haileigh: *blinks* Wha'??? *in the best club in town that plays the best music and serves the best alcohol* Orbrielle: *sitting beside her, sipping a Long Island Iced Tea* Haileigh: ... *decides not to question this* Let's DANCE! 8D Orbrielle: 8DDD ... Kurtis. Watch our drinks. B( Kurtis: How did I GET here??? DB
-- Edited by Xtream Emily on Monday 1st of March 2010 04:39:30 AM
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Haileigh: *pets Kurtis on the head like she would her cat* Through our powers of persuasion ^.~
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Kurtis: I strongly dislike her torment, but I live with it. 8| Kurtis has NOT yet tried booze. 83 He'd probably barf. XD As for the night out with Kurt and Sol, well, they'd probably hang out at a movie. OR a mini-put-put place, like Rinkydinks. Coz Kurtis LOVES mini golf. XD
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
Kurtis: 8| was supposed to go in the hole... Herry: I know. B3 *MILES AWAY* Cronus: I'm TELLING you Agnon this golf ball hit me RIGHT in the HEAD! It came out of nowhere! You think it was those teenagers? )B Agnon: *grunt* B|
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
Haileigh: Hey Herry lets go mini putting again! ^.^
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Kurtis: Actually, Herry's been banned from the mini-put-put arena. 8| Atlanta: Why's that? 0_0 Kurtis: He....went into the restricted area of the kitchen ate all the food. -_- Herry: Yeah. And their hotdogs....they aren't...really hotdogs...
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
Kurtis: *smiles at Emily* If they weren't hotdogs, they were obviously sausages. 83 Actually, Kurtis would be totally cool with Silent Hill. He doesn't mind horror movies or videogames or any of that sort of stuff. Doesn't particularly like them. But he doesn't mind them. If a head gets snapped off he'll just kinda' stare and say 'ew'. XD
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
-RAISES HAND- ...Does he even care about Hermes? xD
"There was a real nosy guy earlier. He was..he said he..he was looking for Jasper Gein. I said, 'I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm...I'm...' and then he got...annoyed, and walked off." ~ Jasper Gein, Noisy Hill