Pfft. Call an ambulance. How absurd. When someone has an allergic reaction you make them dance the Congo while watching Johny Depp movies and eating raw potatoes. DUH. GAWSH guys. Defying logic like that.
IMOGEN! Kurtis needs help on Algebra. 8|
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
Orbrielle: *gives jenn the most horrific, dirty look of hate before leaving the thread*
Her life. She does not talk about it.
Imogen: :O!!! *whips out Algebra notes she was using to teach Herry* Mathematics is my best subject! ^__^ Herry: So is Theatre and Greek History. :3 Imogen: I'm also reasonably ok vith Sports und certain sciences und Geography und English. Theresa: And you're German's pretty good too. XD Imogen: Oh, it's okaaaaaay... XDDD Neil: Wow. is there anything you DON'T study well in? Imogen: N-no... You... You don't understand German schools. '__'
Germany. Schooling is intense.
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
How would you react if you walked into the living room, late one night, only to see Allessa and Herry passed out on the couch together, with their homework strewn across the floor beneath them?
>_> It MIGHT happen..... like... in a picture or something... *plotting to draw it right not actually*
Hails: Oh...Imo...just a quick question. Who was your ancestor?
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Imogen: Forgetting my lines on stage during our play in Grundschule. Mein Onkel un meine Tante vas there und everything! D: Orbrielle: I'm too hardcore for embarrassing moments. >__> Imogen: XD Orbrielle: XD
Imogen: *stares at Haileigh in confusion* Ancestor?? I don't know. I vould have to ask mein Vater... Orbrielle: *ushers Haileigh away and explains that Imogen has no ancestor and does not know of the reality of the Olympian gods*
Imogen is just... There. When I watch the series, I think, "They need more people to try to hide their double life from... Like that chick in that episode (Star Qulaity... I forget her name), but someone who's more connected to their social life... AND THEY CAN ALSO BRING MORE FOCUS BACK TO SCHOOL A LITTLE! 8D" That's what Immy's for. Yeah. I like pointless characters. :3
Orbrielle: I FEAR NOTHING! >:O
*recalls her bff's fears* Turkeys freak her the f*ck out. She doesn't like getting too close to guys. She doesn't like talking about her family. Uhhhh... Yeah, she's stopped caring about most things. I guess the ancient Greek monsters would make her pee her pants a little... :3
Hermes: *appears on griffin* Hiya! 8D Orbrielle: HOLY SH*T!! DDDDB Hermes: *laughs* No need for the language! Hop on! 8D Orbrellie: HOLY F*CKING SH*T!!! DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDB Hermes: >=I Orbrielle: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD`B Hermes: e__e;;
Orbrielle: *thinks long and hard* ....... I don't know if I'd wanna be any flavor of pie... I'd just end up eating myself. All pie is good pie. DB Imogen: Hey! Vhat do you get if you divide the circumference of an apple by its radius? Orbrielle: =I Imogen: Apple pi!! 8DDD Orbrielle: =I Imogen: You know... Pie? Pi... 3.14159265358979323846- Orbrielle: *epic facepalm* Imogen: >__>
Imogen: Being alone on the planet and reproducing are not on my list of life goals! D: Orbrielle: *stares at Kurtis for a bit* .......................... I'd just have sex with you. *pokes Immy's head* Imogen: Being a lesbian is also not on my list of life goals. B( Seth: *snaps fingers*
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Hails: Orbrielle's already gotten me pregnant...X3 lol
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Mairi: *hits Seth over the head and drags him away*
I couldn't think of any other perverted OCs to throw the punchline. ):
Orbrielle: Destruction of the Earth?? .................... Hmmmmm... >83 Jay: No! You must use your powers for GOOD! D: Archie: And not eeeeeevvviiiiiiiilll!!! >XD Jay: e__e
Orbrielle: *turns to Haileigh* Let's call it Lampshade. Just so it has a bad life. :3
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Haileigh: That would be good for a girl...and maybe Toiletseat for a boy...XD
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Dimitri can be the godmother. (B Dimitri: *resents this* B| We can put him in little dresses and tie an apron around him. 8D He'll be a DRAG queen! *squeezed to death by vines*
HEY. Orbri.....watchoo' gonna' do with all that junk?
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
-- Edited by EmeraldChimera on Monday 19th of April 2010 07:52:57 PM
We can dowhatever we want to do at the moment we want to do it.
Hails: Hey do you think Sol would feel about being the daddy figure to little Lampshade or Toiletseat? Or maybe both...*GASP* There could be TWINS!!! XD
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Orbrielle: Redjello maybe. But pooperscooper? Yeah, while I do want to have the satisfaction of knowing that I'm the cause for my child's abuse in school, I don't want them to DIE. How can I torment them MORE id they DIE?? B(
Such a caring soul. (`:
Orbrielle: *turns to Hails* I don't give a shiz about them. As long as they're coming out of your vagina, I'm totally okay with it all.
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Imogen: 8D *coughsahem* Vell, I grew up in München- Herry: Munich! :3 Imogen: Das ist sehr gut, Herry! Herry: ^__^ Imogen: Ja, Munich. I grew up viss meine Eltern... My Parents (Mutti und Vati) und meine Geschwister... Uh... What does that translate to? My siblings? I have a older... AN older Bruder und a little Schwester, who ist very spoilt! My Bruder travelled to die Ooh.Ess.Ah to study computer technology, und ever since I vanted to travel for school as vell. My Tante's husband, Onkel Mark, ist a renowned scholar in ancient Greek, vhich ist vhy I love it so much! He paid for me to come here und shtudy, because it has zeh best resources and texts on ancient Greece in zeh vorld! Atlanta: *whispers* Yeah, because half the people who wrote them work here. XD Theresa: Shhh. XD Imogen: I plan on going to England to shtudy Classical Greek und archaeology at University. I vant to be an archaeologist! But if zaht doesn't vork out, I want to be an actress. I'm kvite good at performing. Meine Muti vanted me to shtudy drama full time, but I didn't feel zaht zehre vould be enough job opportunity as in somesing a little more academic. As vell as all zeh courses on Greek Mythology, architecture und history, my favourite subjects that I am shtuding are Maths, English, Gym, und Drama. Archie: How does a nerdy geek like gym?? Odie: Archie, in Germany the highest form of pretertiary education is taught at a school called the Gymnasium. That's because in ancient Greece, the gym was a place to strengthen the body AND the mind. Neil: So... Like... Imogen works out? Herry: Not quite. :3 Imogen: Viz zeh help of Orbri, I hope to put togezer a musical ziss Jahre. I like musicals. :3 Orbrielle: \8D/ Imogen: Oh! Und I play zeh flute. Zeh end!
*can't be bothered reading through it to fiz spelling mistakes and make accent more consistent* >__>
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Herry: It's better when she actually talks in German. (B Odie: But... You can't understand a word of it...? Atlanta: Doesn't mean he can't enjoy the beauty of a foreign language. >8T Herry: Yeah! >__> Archie: I... wouldn't call German a beautiful language... Orbrielle: IT SOUNDS SO ANGREH!!! >8D Archie: XD Atlanta: T3T Orbrielle: *messes up Imogen's completely organised work station* >8D Imogen: >:O !!! Sei doch nicht immer so unordentlich, Orbri!!! Lass mich doch in Ruhe!!! Verflixt!!! DX Orbrielle: Was that a German curse??? 8D Imogen: >__>
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Hails: Orbri I'm bored...lets go drinking. And drag Imo along.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Imogen: *lifts up her bangs to reveal a hideous, deep gash on her forhead* I vas sechs... I vas in zeh car vit meine Mutti und meine Schwester... Ve vere driving to zeh supermarket vehn a huge, black dog ran into zeh street. Meine Mutti sverved to avoid it, but zeh road vas vet zaht day, und ve spun out of control, into zeh front vindow of a modest bookstore. Meine Schwester can no longer hear in zeh left ear because of zeh accident. Four people nearly died vizin zeh store because of it. *sadface* It vas a very tragic sing to happen. Meine Mutti has alvays blamed herself. I don't sink she vill ever be zeh same. ): Archie: Woah... That's... That's pretty rought... Atlanta: That's awful!!! I'm so sorry. ): Imogen:Pfffft!! I vas climbing up zeh shelves in meine Muttis's pantry und fell und hit my head against zeh clay bread box. XDDD Herry: XDDD Atlanta: That wasn't funny! I felt really bad for you and your family!! B( Herry: When she first told me, she said that the doctors dropped her on a table full of surgical stuff. XDDD Imogen: I change zeh story accordingly to see vaht people vill believe. Und zey mostly ALVAYS believe vaht I say. :3 Herry: Because she's good at acting! :O Imogen: ^__^
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Allessa: ^_^ Immy's been teaching me some of her tricks too. Herry:... Then why'd you act all surprised when they brought up her scar? O_o Allessa: (B Coz. I was practicing. Immy: *proud smile* ^_^