Imogen: Actually... Andrea? Jay: *nods* Imogen: Actually, Andrea... It's "verrückt". Veh-rükt. Herry: Ver-rooked? Imogen: No, no. Rükt. Rü. Herry: Roo. Imogen: Pucker your lips as if you're going to whistle. Herry: *complies* Imogen: Now hold that position... And make an 'ee' sound. Herry: Ü? Imgogen: *is so proud* (`:
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
I do believe it says "I am crazy" Ich is I in German. *is happy to know A LITTLE German* XD
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
German sounds like a very angry language. My cousin took it in highschool and she said to me in German; I like your hair. (B But it sounded more like; BAKLAAAAAVEERRRRRMAGUUGUGUGUU KASGHHHRAAAAAAAAAAA DB<
Besides that, German is a cool beans kinda' language. 83 IMOGEN! I've heard some German's speak English, and when they do they sometimes say 'unt' (oont) infront of specific words. Could you possibly explain what 'unt' is? 8D
-- Edited by 4get-4ever on Wednesday 26th of May 2010 08:30:35 PM
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
"Le" and "la" stand for "the" in French. "Le" is masculine, and "la" is feminine. "De" usually stands for "these" or "those" depending on the word it's used with...... As long as I'm thinking straight right now... which I'm prolly not *collapses in a heap at Emily's feet clinging to her stomach and whimpering* DDDD'X
*nudges Danni with her foot before going to get some cake*
Thanks for bringing this up, Danners. I know how this stuck in my head. XD
Imogen: No, no! Vee have der, die und das for the vord 'deh'- Herry: 'The'. Imgeon: Saht's vaht I said. 'Deh'- Herry: 'The'. 'Tttthhhhhh'. Imogen: Is dis payback for all deh times I corrected your German? Herry: *grins dopily* Imogen: Touché, Herry. Touché. TROTZDEM, er, neverdehless... Ja, vee have t'ree different forms of deh definite article. But it changes in different cases. For example, in deh nominative case, der remains unchanged. 'Der Rock ist rot'. However, in deh accusative case, der changes to den. 'Ich brauchen den Rock'.
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Orbrielle: Mate, I always feel better... Than I... Already... Do? Odie: No. That made absolutely no sense. =I Orbrielle: ):
Sorry if I don't remember them all, I'm super tired. Exams wife me the heck out. ):
Solly-man! Imogen really enjoys his company. She respects him purely for the fact that he's older, coz that's how she rolls, and can sometimes get a little uncomfortable with the fact that she has to refer to him as she refers to everyone else. In German, there are two ways of addressing people - formal and informal. In Germany, she would address Solomon in the formal way because of his age, but because we only have one form of the word 'you' in English, this bothers her a little. So she'll often stumble over what she says around Sol because half the time, she's trying to be overly polite to make up for the seemingly informal address. Does that make sense? XD
Hails! Imogen is super amazed with her. She does a little tap, but nothing in comparisson to what Haileigh can do with her feet! If Immy manages to get a musical/play started up in the drama department, she will definitely nominate Hails to do coreography. She also really connects with the fact that Haileigh's visited her homeland and likes discussing European fashion and movies with her.
Kurty! Imogen really gets along with him. She really tries to get down to his level I order to help him with his maths, but she mostly wants to help him get over his fear of crowds. She's not obvious about it, keeps her intentions subtle, but as an acting student she knows what it's like to get stage fright and can really relate with him. She likes to hang out one-on-one with him and finds him really easy to talk to.
Dimi! She's a little unsure about Dimi. Mostly because of the drugs but also partly because she's come to adore Orbri so much that she doesn't want things to go bad (even though Orbrielle insisted that if things go bad, it's probably going to be HER doing, not Dimitri's). She likes his easy-going attitude and the way he gets a little protective of girls every so often and truly respects his want of a deep, committed relationship as opposed to a short-term fling.
Orbrielle: Pfft! *goes back to reading trashy romance novels*
God. Who else is there?
I haven't really gotten to know Hector enough to make assumptions. With uni being so tight these last few months, I looked to the main OCs as priority... Dunno how Dimi snuck in there, but. Same with Harmony. Don't know much about her. Or any of the other newcomers. With Bri concentrating on RL stuffles, and the fact that their thread is mostly about Actii (whom Immy wouldn't know is a person due to her detachment from that aspect of their lives), there hasn't been a lot of development on Delilah.
So! Save the best for last... Well, Immy's fave, anyway. XD
Ally-face! Even though I think Immy's younger, she sees Allessa as her little sister. Because she gets pretty close to Herry, she automatially gets close to Ally. She mixes the mentor/tutor image with the best friend persona, being firm with her when it comes to her grades but being fun when it comes to hanging out. Like Kurtis, she wants to try and help her to overcome that silly shyness. They share a bit in common, like their love for cooking, their distance from siblings and their suffering of Herry's protectiveness. And she often finds herself nut-testing Ally's food for her when Herry isn't about.
Immy's very focussed on everyone's good side. And she's super supportive and encouraging...
But immensely competative at times. It's baaaaad. And sometimes she likes to smack people down with her fist of knowledge. She can be quite condescending at times. '__'
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Imogen: Yes. In my home town, sehr is a large river in deh Englischen Garten vehr people often go svimming. Ve have been going since I vas little.
*points at Danners* ALL competative! I like how you put that! Immy gets super competative. Kinda like Lannie. Only her's isn't a macho, "I'm gunna beat you because I want to prove that I can do it as a girl" competative... It's a "I wanna win because I just really wanna win" sort of competative. And she can get a little patronizing and condescending in these times... Gets on a bit of a superiority kick.
Should see her in exams. '__'
Imogen: *thinking* Must finish first! Must finish first! VHAT!? She just got a second booklet for her answers?! She's eidder writing too big, or de kvahntity exceeds de kvahlity! Passetic! Even so... Must write more zahn her! Must write more zahn her!! >B(
And now you know her main character flaw. :3
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Yeah, that's the phrase we (or at least my freinds and I do) use around here instead of 'super competitive' or 'super crazy'. 'All competative' or 'all crazy'. EXAMPLE. The Danners is about to go all crazy on you. >B3
And this concludes your daily lesson on "How to speak like Danielle and her RL freinds do" (B
Phoenix: *is passing thru, sees Orbrielle with her violin* Girl that's f@#ken awesome!
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
8DDDDDDD *claps even more* IMOGEEEEENNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You bore two children, a boy and a girl, what would their names be and who's the lucky daddy? (B
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
Imogen: I suppose it vould be my ex boyfriend Michael *pronounced Mich(as if you're hissling like a cat)-eye-ell* back home. Ve broke up because I vas coming here, but I said dat if I end up going to University in Germany, ve vould get back togezzer. Und I like deh name Eric und Stephanie. *pronounced Sh-teph-ah-nee* :3 Herry: )`: *heartbroken* Imogen: *ignores* :3
ALSO! Hails, Immy hit Archie in the head with a can of softdrink over in the other thread. ;D
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
I thought it was this one...sorry...I was just about to head to bed when i posted that so i was very sleepy lol
-- Edited by LovesDarkness on Sunday 13th of June 2010 03:48:52 PM
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
......*throws Kurtis into a frilly blue dress with a white lacey apron* Dimitri: *in a tophat* I support this random act of stupidity! 8D Kurtis: I don't. B|
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
What if Hails got kidnapped by Cronus who turned her bad to be used in some diabolical evil plot for world domination?
Hails: *appears dressed as the White Queen* I'd have rather had the Mad Hatter cause his outfit was super awesome...but I think Dimi stole it with the top hat lol
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure