lol but it's just dancing. Its not like they're makin out or anything.
And as much as Sol would say HELL NO to a three some...he'd say DFHG#$^^%&VBGHFGHRTYHRC$%&%^&%E^&*ER#$^*(()*@#$FG HELL #$^%$*&@@#$%$%GDGDHH NO!!!!! To a threesome with Neil XD
-- Edited by LovesDarkness on Saturday 3rd of April 2010 05:28:17 PM
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Literally LOL'd- and for quite a while- at that!!!!! Ah, yes, we all know what Solomon would do if Hails suggested it. Which we shoud all hope to God she doesn't do. And he doesn't really even like cussing. Cos, you know.... that's his style (B
We can dowhatever we want to do at the moment we want to do it.
Hails: *is laying in bed with Sol snuggled up* Hmmmm... >:3 *gets evil idea just for jokes* Hey Sol sweetie...ever thought of having a threesome?
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
How would you react if you walked into the living room, late one night, only to see Allessa and Herry passed out on the couch together, with their homework strewn across the floor beneath them?
She honestly wouldn't care. And I doubt that would happen as she doesn't live at the dorms...she has her own apartment across town.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Oh, and I must point out that Herry and Ally consider each other siblings, so nothing's going on between them. Besides, Herry has his eyes fixed on someone else >_> *glances at Imogen*
Herry: >_> SHHHHHhhhh Allessa: *giggles* XD
-- Edited by MellowGirl on Monday 5th of April 2010 06:15:54 AM
Haileigh: Summer vacation? Hells yeah! Somewhere nice and hot with amazing beaches where I can sport my new bikini and lots of sun for me to work on my tan...(and find a place to secretly make out with Sol...but SHHHH don't tell the others...cause it's a secret ^.~) My father owns a resort in the Bahamas...and we also have a summer house in Cancun. Maybe one of those places ^_^
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Haileigh: I have noooo idea...I don't free style. I do classical ballet and salsa the pretty much the only dancing music I listen to is classical and latino.
-- Edited by LovesDarkness on Wednesday 7th of April 2010 11:48:48 PM
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
That being when I DISAPPEARED. Yeesh. I'm blaming this on YOU, Dammit. +Angrypoint at Haileigh+ B| And entirely not on myself, because I'm never at fault for any of my screw-ups. GOT IT? Actaeon: ... +Whispers to Hails+ Just agree with her. As much as you want to wring her neck it'll make her shut up faster. >_> Hermes: +Nodnod+
Haileigh: I have the usual small know like insects and the dark. But my GREATEST fears are somehow breaking one of my legs and never being able to dance again...and I'm very much afraid of being alone. the future...losing my friends or something like that. I'm very much a people person *nods*
Haileigh: Yeah sure ok. Anyway...*points up* my greatest fears.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Orbrielle: *dashes into the room and switches the lights off* 8DDD Imogen: *was reading and is now annoyed* >B( Herry: *lights a candle for her* (B Imogen: *smiles at him then goes back to her book* Herry: ):
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Dimitri: Or she'll totally forget about you and move on to bigger and greater things therefore leaving you to wilt away ever so quietly in the remains of her memories. 83 Herry: D'B Dimitri:.....Or she'll ask you out next weekend...coz you're hot. (B
HAILS! .....what would you wear for a casual day? 83
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
Hails: Tank skirt...cute pair of flats. I don't know...what I usually wear.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Hahaha what I meant was, the question was "What do you usually wear?" which you responded to, basically: "What I usually wear" 83 Because everyday clothes is what you usually wear. just thought I'd clear that up.
We can dowhatever we want to do at the moment we want to do it.
Haileigh: Anymore questions? Anything at all! I'll answer anything! I'm an open book!!!
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Imogen: Zaht vasn't a kvestion! It vas a demand! And it used zeh only imperative form in English, vich is 'you'. In German, vee have sree imperatives. 'Du', 'ihr' und 'Sie'. :3 Orbrielle: Soooooo not interesting. Can you please swear at me in German? :D Imogen: No. T__T
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Haileigh: Orbrie I show you my Pokémons every time we play it! XD *glomps Imogen and hugs her* Oh Imo, wie ich Sie anbeten! :3
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Imogen: *blinks four times* N... No, see, you used zeh infinitive ending for 'adore'. In English, zeh infinitive ist signalled by zeh vord 'to'... 'To' ask, 'to' answer, 'to' do etc. are all infinitive forms of zeh verb. In German, verbs in zeh infinitive have a stem, vhich you zehn add zeh ending 'en' or 'n' to, vhich act as zeh vord 'to' in English. So 'arbet-en' = 'to adore'. Now, in zeh present tense of zeh verb in English, only zeh sird person singular has an ending - she askS, he answerS, she doES. But in German, ALL zeh forms of zeh present tense have endings. So, zeh 'I' verb stem ends in 'e', 'you' verb stem ends in 'st', he/she/it verb stem ends in 't', 'vee' verb stem ends in 'en', 'yous' verb stem ends in 't', 'they' verb stem ends in 'en' and zeh formal 'you' verb stem ends in 'en' as vell (of course, all zis relies on zeh ending of zeh actual stem itself... But zaht's not important now). You could argue zaht you vere talking to me wiz zeh formal personal pronoun. BUT! As I am your age and a friend and ve're bose students, zere ist no need for you to refer to me in zeh formal sense. And finally, zeh verb is alvays zeh second idea in a statement in German. So, in closing, you really should have said, 'Imo anbete wie ich du.' Orbrielle: ... Imogen: I didn't really expect anyone to pay attention. :3 Orbrielle: Oh, good! Coz I tuned out aaaages ago. :D Imogen: XD
Emily: HAILEIGH!!! Did you use an online translator for that? They're very unreliable. :3
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Haileigh: I've been to Germany once and I have a couple friends from there...but i've never actually taken any classes or anything. I've just picked a few words and phrases here and there, but I've never had any formal classes. But I's the thought that counts right?
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Hails: Well I didn't stay in one place for very long, I went thru a bunch of different places. My friends and I did a lot of backpacking. But yes...I did go to Oktoberfest for a couple days. It was great fun ^.^
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Also everyone...I just noticed something that I need to fix in Haileigh's bio...
She's 19...yet I said she's in her last year of high school...and most people are 18 when they I was thinking the reason she's still in high school is because...when she was in her early or 15...she spent almost a year in the hospital being treated for anorexia and thus had to drop a couple semesters of school.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure