Time to answer the questions. Hacky sack. Um...she's never played so she doesn't know if she likes it. She might if she tried. But might get clumsy. Sports. She doesn't play sports unless pranking is a sport. Yes, she likes Odie in a very romantic way. But their relationship is on the downlow at the moment. The only people who know is Hailiegh-her half-sister- Jay and Theresa.
Sorry for the lacking in posting. My laptop busted.
Well, she loves Jay, since their kinda like siblings. Her being adopted by her family and all. And as you all know she LOVES Odie, they're currently dating if you didn't see it in her profile. Atlanta and Archie she get's along with. They're pretty close. Theresa she likes since Jay is dating her. She feels she can go talk with Theresa if she has a problem. (She also talks with Hailiegh about problems--like boy problems. Sister love.) Herry she likes as a friend. He always makes her laugh when she's down. Neil, she ignores. Neil constantly bothers her about what she wears and tries to force her to wear something more trendy.
That's an excellent question. There's one real important one. Her biggest fear is losing her family, which includes: the teens. Jay, Odie, Theresa, Herry, Atlanta, Archie, and yes...even Neil--her extended family. And the loss of her real family--Hailiegh. It's all about this emotional, adoptive stuff.
She also hates needles, just the fact that something foreign entering her arm makes her faint.
Other than that she has no fears. But I think the first one is pretty major.
Some more things to add to Harmony. Something that I told Jenn. Harmony first met Odie at a convention. They both entered this DDR contest and Harmony kicked his butt at it. Jenn also asked me a great question. Where did they first kiss? I'm still trying to figure that out since they're trying to keep their relationship on the downlow.
Also I forgot to answer one question someone asked me before. Who's Harmony's mentor. It's Hermes. Sometimes the awesome Autolykus will step in and give her a few awesome lessons.
Awwe =) For some odd reason, I can TELL she's afraid of needles. Maybe because she reminds me of a friend who's majorly like that... But yeah, i think that is a major fear in movie heroes and stuffles. NOT the needles, I mean the whole losing-family thing.
We can dowhatever we want to do at the moment we want to do it.
I finally figured out where they first kiss. Odie takes Harmony out for ice cream, one of her favorite foods, and they lean in for a kiss while sharing a sundae.
Melissa and I have found a way for Harmony and Hailiegh's parents to meet. You see they were childhood friends but they grew apart when they grew older. He left Greece and became a businessman. She didn't go through university and so was forced to become a heratai/prostitute of sorts. Hailiegh's father then returns to Greece and decides to call her up via her mother. Her mother gives him her new number and he calls her. They meet up and have some fun.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
*points to Andrea's sig* Think...Dean Winchester lol
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Ah. Well...all I know is that is the picture she gave me to make her sig XD just draw it, I'm sure Andrea will love it.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
@MellowGirl: "I'm fantastic, thank you for asking." @4ever-4get: Her favorite flavor of pie is Strawberry-rhubarb. @Xtream Emily: Well, she has naturally tanned skin. Her eyes are brown with brown hair. Anything else?
This is going to be fun. Well, her pilot cap is earthy/dark green. She wears a bright pink tanktop(as seen in the picture), she then wears blue surf shorts(also seen in the picture of my avatar), her converse running shoes are also pink, she also wears rainbow knee socks. In terms of accesories she wears bronze coloured goggles around her neck, she wears red fishnet gloves. She also has a silver nose piercing.
lol for the most part Harmony looks like she was raped by a rainbow...
...or a clown XD
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure