Well, I hope you realize that I MUST see these doodles very soon >B3
*thinks of Ally with a headband.... thinks of Savannah.... squees a little* ^^.... Maybe I should try braiding her hair sometime 83
Brick: *comes flying from LUY and hits me on the head*
Allessa: *picks up brick* There's a note on it O_o.................... It must be in some kind of foreign language...... *decides to take it to Imogen* ^^
Imogen: *stares at it* Hefekranz... Just because I am a bit smart doesn't mean I can decypher foreign langviges. Herry: Odie's pretty good at decyphering stuff. :3 Imogen: :3
Contrary to popular beleif, Imogen is not in any way, shape or form, as smart as Odie. He's a genius and intelligence comes naturally to him. Also, the smarts he HAS are well beyond his age. Imogen, on the other hand, works very, very, VERY hard to achieve the grades she does, which are expected of her age.
The way I see it, Imogen would be in the advanced maths classes earning B+s to As as a result of her countless hours of devotion to study.
Odie would be in the super advanced maths classes earning A+++s and being extremely bored, probably whipping up amazing assignments in, like, two hours or something.
You've been lectured. :3
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
I see your point, Emily, but Ally only went to Immy instead of Odie coz she trusts her more ^^
(I didn't honestly expect her to understand it coz the note on the brick is written in Sarian ^^)
Allessa: Well.. I'm wearing it... *is wearing a light blue short skirt that comes to a couple inches above her knees, black leggings, and a long-sleeved blue shirt with silvery sparkles* ^^
Awwwwe! I didn't mean to make you cry! *licks your tears away* :3
Is that how you pictured her? The quality of your photograph of the picture was kinda bad... I couldn't quite see the linework, so I just made it up. Same with the colours. *hearts*
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
I know it's horrible. 8| We don't have scanner that works anymore.
It's PERFECT Em. Seriously. The only thing I could point out is that her hair is quite a bit longer than that ^^ It's about half-way down her back in a ponytail 83
Allessa: I LOVE science! It's so much fun and so interesting! ^^ My least favourite is English. I't boring. 8|
I've drawn Kurt. Haven't gotten around to Dimi yet. I have to find out how to draw Sol's hair first. Because the hairstyle I gave him is the hairstyle that should be on Dimi. -___-
And Danni, I had limited space for hairness. This is one of the characters I drew to compare facial structures with CotT characters. So far I have Kurt, Ally, Sol, Hails, Delilah and my two OCs. :3
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Allessa: Well... the concrete stuff I get, like the nouns and pronouns and prose literature, but it's the history of literature and poetry that bore me the most. -____-
Good greif, like a girl after mah own heart (B *squishes Ally's cheeks* X3
*shakes head* Beowulf somewhat bored me.....most probably because I couldn't understand it. XD ALLY MAH GURL! I know you have pets (you lived on a farm) did you have a specific favorite? If so, what was t and what was it's name? 83
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on SexyGreekLadies.net? B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
I USED TO HAVE A POTBELLIED PIG!!!! His name was Wilbur...I loved him SOOOO much. But my brothers weren't helping taking care of him...so my mom gave him away to a petting farm T.T I cried so much that day.
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
lol and keep i mind...I lived in the middle of suburbia...with a potbellied pig for a pet! XD We had a harness for it and used to take it for walks...and my mom used to bring it to the school
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
I can imagine Ally and Dimitri at a hot dog stand and Ally accidentally loses grip of the leash. And they end up running all over the town to catch Bella. XD
Odie:Dimitri? Were you on my computer? Dimi:Negatory, Odster. 83 Odie:Then why's it frozen...on SexyGreekLadies.net? B| Dimi:...*slowly backs out*
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Hails: *glomps Ally* Are there any BOYS that you have a crush on? ^.~
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Allessa: >////////> No. I don't have any crushes yet. I'm too busy, with school and helping Herry and his freinds with Cronus. Maybe when I'm older. ^^
Hails: Oh pishposh! There's ALWAYS time for boys. Come...we shall find you a cute one. *winks as she takes Ally's hand and pulls her away*
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Orbrielle: *giggles insanely* Pishposh. XDDD Neil: *sighs* If only Kurtis wasn't gay. They'd make a cute couple. :3 Orbrielle: They would............................... Wanna see if we can hook her up with some football jock? :D Neil: Yes!! :D *both skip along behind Haileigh and Allessa*
Herry: *stops the truck suddenly in the middle of the road* Atlanta: *has whiplash* x__X Jay: Ugh! Herry? Something wrong?? Herry: My Ally sense are tingling... *squinty eyes* Theresa: Hey! That's my thing! >:O
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Hails: Not sure if Kurtis is GAY gay...he just said he's curious...*gets thoughtful look before pullig Ally to the Kurtis thread*
I don't really care if you're not single We could use each other just a little No one has to know if we're together Come on let me be your guilty pleasure
Orbrielle: Awe! I wanted to see if we could get her some big black muscular quarter baaaack! D: Neil: I don't think she has the skills to 'date' a quarter back. =\ Orbrielle: She'd learn pretty quick. >:3 Imogen: *decides that she will never let Orbrielle take Ally anywhere* >__>
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!
Imogen: *patpat* Don't vurry, Hefekranz! I vill never let any man whom I do not sink ist vurzy fur you date you. :3 Herry: Neither will I. B( *cracks knuckles intimidatingly* ............. Now what were you saying about heffercrance? :D Imogen: Hefekranz. Herry: Heffercrance. Imogen: Heff- uh-kkkrunss. Herry: Heff-err-crrranssss. Imogen: No! You need to roll deh 'Airr'! Herry: What does that mean? How do I roll the air?? D: Imogen: Oh! How do you say it? In deh elphabet? L, M, N, O, 'Peh', 'Coo', 'Airr', S- Herry: The 'R'? Imogen: Yes! Yes! You need to roll deh 'R'! Herry: I don't know how! Imogen: *is growing impatient* B( Herry: *is becoming destressed* DDDB Allessa: *is giggling madly* (B
And that is how Immy and Herry cheer up Ally when she is upset. :3
In my weird head, anyway.
Nia: Oh Herry, with your biceps so mighty, in your sideburns I trust!