... and tons more but I'm TOO lazy to put them all down and plus it's already passed my bed time so I have to my ass into bed before my parents will be like, "Ariane, go to bed! You have work tomorrow" or so I gotta run!
Banner from Wyatt Williams (aka Craigpfau) and avatar by Nikki Wong (aka Daanton) from 6TEEN.ca
http://lunu.activeboard.com/forum.spark?aBID=132601&p=1 (CassidyCoyote) http://www.deviantart.com/ (CassidyCoyote) http://www.fanfiction.net/ (CassidyCoyote) And I'm on Facebook, but I only let people I really know add me as a freind (B
There are others.... but they've kinda died. )B *sigh* I miss FOF and 2782. I wonder if UHB is still as active as it used to be. >_>
http://www.fanfiction.net/ (CassidyCoyote) And I'm on Facebook, but I only let people I really know add me as a freind (B
Ah... I see that you have a fanfiction.net account so do you have any written stories on there? Just wondering...
... and I have a facebook but I wouldn't put it on because I only add friends or friends adding me... like people that I know I mean, I only add people that I know and that I only accept friends invitation by people that I know... I don't add people that I know, only people that I know like I said earlier but anyways, do I have more sites... ? Yeah I have one of piczo but I don't really the hell happened to it... but I'm pretty sure I have a piczo account/site...
Banner from Wyatt Williams (aka Craigpfau) and avatar by Nikki Wong (aka Daanton) from 6TEEN.ca