Let me explain... okay so I wanted the forum to be classofthetitans.proboards.com but it was already taken so I had no choice to do the same like this one, and yeah my dumb brain can't think about anything else than "Cottny"...
I'm sorry to Bandkanon (sorry if I spelled your name wrong there) for using the name but I had no other name to it so... I decided to name the proboards forum Class of the titans and You: Proboards Version. I can be stupid sometimes...
I don't know why... guess I wanted to do a Class of the titans FOURM but like I said I tried to do classofthetitans and cott but nope it didn't work so I had to use cottny instead... and I don't get it why my previously Proboards forums are SO dead, well maybe because they aren't that great... including this one I just did but things might change I guess in the future... I always don't do good stuff... ? I always myself wanted to do a Class of the titans FORUM so yeah.
Well I had two other forums before creating the three forums I created back in 2006-2007 but I deleted them (don't ask me why) so... it would I would've had FIVE forums (all proboards). But I won't delete them even if they are not a single member or not alot of members...
It seems that after (possibly) five failed forums, you have not succeeded in creating one that works well. All are welcome here and we tolerate no contention, not even from ourselves.
There is no real need for extra forums for this subject and a sense of restraint and control is what's important, keep to the subject at hand is the rule. Everyone, please carry on.
I apologized for that, I will sure keep my posts about the subject, ounce again I got carried on, ounce again.... and from now on if this one fails? Well I'm not going to do any "Cartoon" or "Anime" Forums *sight*.... okay let's stop changing the subject and go to the original subject we were talking about!
Back to the topic, Class of the titans and You: Proboards Version...
Hmm, what else I can tell you about my latest forum, nothing else new... enjoy and sign up? I just let you guys know that I made a skin (you know... background, fonts, whatever)for this forum
Banner from Wyatt Williams (aka Craigpfau) and avatar by Nikki Wong (aka Daanton) from 6TEEN.ca